Saturday, July 13, 2013

How To Create Tweeter Reading List

tweeter is great but there is one thing that makes it annoying at times; that is seeing other tweets that you don't really want to see especially one that can be too sexual and too vocal in nature.

Not so many people know that you can actually create a reading list. That is, a list of followers or those you are following that you want to read their tweets often.

This is particularly useful especially of you like reading tweets from a particular set of people due to the kind of tweets they post.

To achieve this, follow the guide below step by step.


1. log into your tweeter account on your computer

2. Click on "Me"

3. Click on List on the left side of the pane

4. Click on Create List


5.  Type in your List name and give it a description. After doing this click on Save List

6. After creating List, it will appear on the left side of the Window. In my case, I made My Follower the name of the List.

7. Click on Followers or Following to select those you want to add to that newly created List. You can quickly do this by clicking link as highlighted in the image.

8. Now, start selecting those you want by clicking on the avartar icon next to "following" as shown in the image below.

9. A drop down menu would appear and then you will select "Add or Remove from List"

10. Select the newly created list and your Follower or Following would be in the list

11. Now, you can always see the tweets of those persons you have selected by going to your list anytime you click on "Me"

12. With this, you can focus on those tweets you really want to read from those you follow or those that are following you.

I hope this post is useful to someone.


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