Thursday, August 15, 2013

iOS 7 beta 6 Released To Developers

The speed at which Apple releases its beta version of iOS 7 can almost be compared to that of Usain Bolt when running.

Barely a week ago, Apple released iOS 7 beta 5 and today beta 6 have been released to its developers. 

Download and Install iOS 7 beta 6 here


Naturally, there is always an interval of 2 weeks between beta releases of its firmware. However, this time around, the interval between beta 5 & 6 is less than 1 week due to slight  issues in beta 5 that had to be addressed in beta 6.

The addressed issues are seen in iOS 7 beta 6 change log below:
This update address an issue with iTunes in the Cloud, where some purchases may download or play unexpected items. If you have any devices running previous versions of iOS 7 beta, you must:
- Install iOS 7 beta 6
- Install the ResetMusicAndVideosLibraries configuration profile
- From Settings > Music, tap the Reset Media Library button
- Restart the device

However, This may suggest that, a complete iOS 7 Gold Master (GM) is available and ready to be seeded to developers and testers before its certified for public release.
As the official announcement of iPhone 5S draws near, Apple is doing everything possible to be fully ready to put the phone on sale come early October. 

As usual, Apple product has to be perfect and outstanding before they are released to the masses.


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